Friday, July 13, 2012

The American is coming out in us...

Sorry it has been such a long time since we have written anything.  To be honest, Hannah has been waiting on me to finally write one... writing is not exactly my thing.  So the past couple of days we have found out a lot of new information about my foot.  Monday I went to therapy expecting to be able to begin the walking phase.  The therapist even had me bring tennis shoes.  When I got there however, he told me that he had talked with the doctor and had found out that before I could start walking I had to get one of the screws out of my foot.  My first thought... another surgery.  Thankfully, this is going to be a very easy procedure, outpatient and after I get it done I will be able to start walking in about a week which will put me right on time to start walking when I get back to the US.  I was a little bummed when I found out I couldn't walk but I know that God has a plan in the whole thing.  It has definitely been a learning experience for me.  God has been teaching me a lot about getting rid of my pride and being willing to depend on others.  Prayers would still be appreciated though since some days are harder than others and it is quite the challenge not to be able to walk.  I have had some really great experiences with boys pretending like they were me or going out of their way to help me with something.  They are becoming quite the gentlemen.  I even taught one of them to dance (yes I did this with one foot).

Since we have been here we have learned a lot about ourselves, too, with the food we are now willing to eat.   Mom - don't freak out, but I even tried liver.  Granted I didn't know what I was eating and I didn't like it, but it was still a big step.  Yesterday though, Hannah and I decided it was time to get a little taste of home.  We drove to Zamarano to buy some minutes for our telephone and decided to stop at one of the only restaurants near us... a pizzeria.  Don't worry we ate the whole thing!  It was a small, but we were so excited to have an American style pizza.

So in keeping with the past blog post themes, here are a couple more spotlights on the boys:

  • Jesus - One of the boys from the green house who is quickly becoming one of my best friends.  He is one of the oldest boys here at 17 years old (and actually acts like it... most of the time).  You will always find him working or playing big brother to either of his real brothers or all the other boys.  Whenever he is working, he does it with all of his heart.  He works a lot with one of the groundskeepers here learning how to do all sorts of things: weed eating, driving, fixing all sorts of random things.  In the meantime he is still going to school and doing really well.  His dream is to be a lawyer.  

  • Juan David - One of the precious yellow house boys at 7 years old.  He loves to joke around and pretend like he is tough when really he is such a softy on the inside, you just have to wait for it to come out.  It always takes me off guard.  One minute he will be tackling me and the next he will just be sitting in my lap playing with a toy.  One day last week he decided to take he decided to take my sunglasses and wear them...he has been wearing them ever since although I have been impressed with how well he has taken care of them.  Yesterday, he found out how to work my watch and timed how long people could hold their breath.

  • Darwin - The most loving boy you will ever meet.  I can't remember a time when he wasn't smiling.  He does really well in school and never gets in trouble.  He is one of the older boys in the yellow house so he is always helping out with the younger boys teaching them how to do things.  

  • Kelsin - What to say about him?.... 17 years old, cute and knows it.  To my surprise he is one of the most shy people I have ever met until you give him time to warm up to you and get to know you.  Now he jokes all the time with Hannah and I speaking really fast and asking ridiculous questions just to see what our answer will be.  He is a very hard worker and LOVES to go fishing... I have been told that when I can walk again he is going to take me fishing.  My only stipulation is that he touches the fish.  A couple days ago he became a proud new owner of his own bike.  I haven't seen him without it yet.

  • Alex - One of our very own pink house boys and one of the most responsible 12 year olds I have ever met.  Every time I see him, he is cleaning something or organizing the closet or kitchen.  Man after my own heart.  Whenever you need to know where something is, he is the one to ask.  He is always one of the first to greet Hannah and I whenever we see him and is not too proud to give us a hug every night before bed.  

1 comment:

  1. Well Granny and I sure enjoyed reading your blog this morning. Glad you got a taste of liver (Baaughhhhh) makes my skin crawl. As you can tell I don't like liver either. Good to know things are going ok and we will pray for a safe remmoval of that screw. Looking foroward to seeing you before too long.
    Love and God bless , Pa Joe and Granny
