Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It feels good to be bilingual...

Well the past few days have been very eventful.  We had a group from Brentwood Hills come and build a playground at Jovenes.  The playground is so much fun...even the adults were playing on it when it was finished.  I am so glad the boys have something like this to play on now.  We also went to Kennedy Church in Tegucigalpa on Sunday.  It was such a blessing to worship with such a large group of Christians here in Honduras.  We really enjoyed ourselves and especially enjoyed taking ALL of the boys and ALL of the Brentwood Hills group out to lunch at Pollo Campero.

So today is our last full day here.  It is hard to even explain the sorrow we are feeling.  We were talking the other night about how we now have two lives.  We have a life here at Jovenes.  After living here for two months we KNOW these people. These people and these boys, for better or worse, are our family now.  We have laughed with them and cried with them.  The other night, I even got one of the boys to open up to me and tell me about his family and his life before Jovenes.  Two months just doesn't seem like enough time but we know that God has everything planned out perfectly. And just to keep everyone in the loop, we are working on getting permission and planning a trip sometime soon, hopefully sometime right after Christmas. We just can't stand leaving the boys after two months with no idea of when we will return.  Only with a promise of returning can we leave with some peace in mind.

Some more about our boys...

  • Marlon Carazo - One of the boys from Green House and also one of the first ones to start talking to us.  There is not a shy bone in his body.  We sometimes call him a parrot because when Laura and I are speaking English, he repeats everything we say, whether or not he really knows what we are saying.  One of his favorite things to do is pop every bone in his body and make me listen.  He always has a smile on his face and is almost always in a good mood.  

  • Johni Garcia - Oh Johni...there is so much I could say about this boy.  Also one of the boys from Green House.  Johni has about fifty different personalities.  He is still trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to be.  Everyday he has a different "style".  It is kind of precious though to watch him figure things out and learn about himself.  He was also one of our first Green House friends, making us bracelets on our first day and playing lots of games of uno (or one, as he called it) with us.  

  • Tatum - Another one of the faces of Jovenes.  There is not a person who has every been to Jovenes that does not know this precious face.  Despite his vision problem, this boy can do everything and sometimes more than all the other boys.  I have never seen a more active and responsible boy.  His hugs are my favorite and I get them very frequently which I am very thankful for.  He is one of the dancers in Casa Rosada and whenever we have music playing he is always the first to come and dance with us.  
  • Walter - After our first week here, I remember Laura saying "Ok, we need to work on getting Walter to open up". He is another on of the older boys in Casa Rosada.  Today, he is always one of the first ones to talk to us in the morning.  He is not quiet AT ALL anymore and is definitely one of the jokesters.  He is also one of the ones that sings so loudly in the morning as he is getting ready. We just love listening to his voice as we wake up every morning. 

  • Julio - Precious Julio.  Another one of our Casa Rosada boys.  Laura calls him her little boy crush.  It's true though, he is so so cute.  He always has this little grin on his face and although is very very shy, he always has a hug and smile for us.  His quietness is deceiving though when it comes to soccer.  He is quite possibly the next superstar for Olimpia (his favorite Honduran soccer team). 

In the yellow

Well we have an almost six hour lay over in Miami tomorrow so we will to try to finish up the boys then.  Continue to pray for our transition back home.  We are both very nervous about it.  Well we have spent enough time away with the boys.  It's time to soak them up now. 

Hannah and LauraBeth

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