Monday, July 2, 2012

Just a Normal Day at Physical Therapy...

Well, I am writing this post from the doctor's office in Tegucigalpa.  Laura had another physical therapy appointment this morning so, of course, I tagged along (and the internet is really good here so I am taking advantage of it).  We had a really great weekend.  Yesterday we took all of the boys and all of the Jovenes staff to a church about an hour away.  Not the most fun ride I have ever had...really bumpy roads and a bus packed full of screaming boys.  But the church service was really great.  Laura and I are very proud because we understood the entire sermon (probably because it was led by an American who speaks slower and has an accent that we can recognize), but still something to be proud of. Laura also had an exciting experience when she had a conversation with a lady from the church about her son's broken arm.  She had a conversation in Spanish...our Spanish is definitely improving and we are so excited about it!  Before I start another entry about the boys, I want to ask for your continued prayers and encouragement.  It just hit us yesterday that we only have a month left here...and we are very very sad about it.  God is pulling us so many directions right now and we are having, for the first time, to really try to decipher His voice and what he wants from our life.  So prayers for His voice to be clear to us would be much appreciated. Now some more about our boys...

  • Fernando - He is always the first to say any kind of greeting.  It doesn't matter what time of day it is, but he never fails to rattle off the list of greetings ("buenas dias, buenas tardes, buenas noches, buen provecho").  His is one of the five boys in Casa Rosada who is going to the high school which means he has been on top of his studies.  He is very studious which is sometimes hard to find with a bunch of boys.  But he also likes to have a good time, especially when it comes to soccer.

  • Luis - Another one of the five boys attending Alison (the bilingual school).  He is a mess.  At first he was timid about speaking English to us, but now that we have been working with him, he has opened up to us. He likes to read better than write and we have learned that he really likes doing math flashcards. Now, everytime he sees me he runs up and attacks me, usually by trying to tickle me.  He has a lot of energy but then he also has a soft side.  Yesterday, on the way back from church, he fell asleep with his head in my lap.  Precious.

  • Pancho - Probably one of my first buddies here.  One of the first nights, he told Tio Marvin that he liked me (he is 10).  But now he really really feels like a little brother to me.  His clothes are never on correctly so I am constantly fixing his shirt or telling him his shoes are untied.  He is another one that loves his back rubbed at devo time.  He always tries to sit next to Laura and I because he knows we know he likes it.  Pancho is another hard worker and he is a pro at cutting the grass with a machete.

  • Baýron - My first impression of him was your typical boy in every way.  He was running around, acting like Captain America, in mixed matched clothes, and then grabbing machete and cutting a chunk out of his thumb.  He has a lot of energy and is so mischievous that he can get into trouble a lot.  But as crazy as he can be, he never fails to flash Laura and I one of his "day brightening smiles".  He also loves to sing and has amazing rhythm...I love listening to him sing at the nightly devos. 

  • Antony - The youngest boy at Jovenes (5).  He is probably the cutest thing I have seen in a really really long time.  He tries so hard to be big like all the other boys, but at the end of the day, he is still just a little boy that goes to Kindergarten.  In the morning when all the other boys are going to school, Antony is in his little Kindergarten uniform looking all precious with his lunch box.  My favorite thing is getting a hug and a little snuggle from him every day.  We just can't get enough of this adorable little boy!

Well, its time to head back to Zamarano!  Hope you are all having a wonderfully blessed day and we look forward to hearing from you!

Hannah and LauraBeth

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah and Larua,

    Just got back from the Y and starving. Bella is in her crate. I'm going to eat first and then let her and Addie out. I also have Bells, she is keeping Bella entertained, she makes a lot of noise moving around.

    I can't believe you only have a month left. We sure do miss you, but are proud of the good work you are doing there.

    We heard Laura got her stiches out and doing therphy. She will probably be standing on it by the time she gets home.

    You are missing our drout,and 109 degree weather. We have had triple degree weather for the last 2 weeks.

    Love hearing all that's going on there and what you are doing everyday.

    Love you and looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

