Thursday, July 19, 2012

From Fiestas to Lessons Learned...

Well this week is going to be extremely busy so it is impressive that I even have to sit here and update the blog.  We have four groups coming this week which is exciting because it means a lot of exciting things are happening at Jovenes.  Yesterday, we had one of the most fun afternoon/nights ever.  Annie, Laura and I have been planning a birthday celebration for all the birthdays in June and July complete with streamers, three types of cake, a pinata, coke, and lots of candy.  Oh yes, and most importantly, we had music and dancing! So much fun!  All three houses marched over to Tio Ronald's house for the festivities.  Just imagine 55 boys running around with tons of sugar in their systems and dancing to was exciting to say the least.  After all the cake was gone, pinata broken, and sugar running crazy...all the boys walked back to dinner and bed.  Imagine trying to put 55 boys to bed after a night of partying.  All-in-all, it has been a very good couple of days.  We are trying our very hardest to slow down time as we see it racing before our eyes.  Two months is just not enough time...not enough at all. But anyways, time for a change of pace...our boys!!

  • Johan - Another one of the boys from Casa Rosada.  He is a goober, to say the least.  He would be so embarrassed if he knew I was writing this but he is going through his "squeaky voice" phase and it just makes us laugh.  We love Johan because he is pretty much always in a good mood and he is always hanging around us acting all awkward.  He is one of those naturally awkward people that you just love.  Since being here, we have been told that Johan now gets up every morning and does his hair for the Gringas.

  • Fredy Cruz - Another one of the "faces of Jovenes" with his beautiful striking eyes.  You can't miss this boy.  He is another one that will always be around when an American group is here.  He loves to play, which sometimes gets him in trouble when he needs to be doing homework.  He has a big heart though and has never given me any reason to be upset with him.  Fredy is a jokester and loves the attention he gets from it.  I will never forget Fredy being the "drunk man" in a skit Casa Rosada did for church one day, and stumbling around the place full of drama.  There is never a dull moment with Fredy!

  • Nelson - Probably one of the smartest fifth (going on sixth) graders I have ever met.  He is another one of the boys attending the bilingual school at Alison.  They told me he was smart but it took him reading the entire Chronicles of Narnia series in English in less than a week for me to believe them.  Nelson also has one of the biggest hearts I know.  From loving on his brothers to leading a heart felt prayer in honor of Ty Osman to giving us precious hugs, this boy knows how to feel and show emotion. Although he can have a fiery attitude when he wants, he still knows what is right and tries to do it.
On the right
  • Marlon Zepeda - What to say about him...he is a sixteen year old boy.  He can run through emotions and moods faster than I can.  One minute he is my best friend, and the next he isn't talking to me, for who knows what reason.  Instead of having a love/hate relationship...we have a love/annoyed relationship.  Yes we are good friends but yes we also get on each others nerves.  One thing I do love about Marlon is his relationship with his brother Jose Luis.  They are a year apart and normally you would think they would fight all the time (which they do joke around sometimes) but you almost never see one without the other.  Marlon likes to push the limits but he also has a big heart...especially when it comes his relationships with the boys.

  • Hector - Precious Hector.  I don't think I have ever seen this boy get in trouble.  He has patience like I have never seen and, even when he is getting picked on, he still has a smile on his face and pushes through.  Hector's dream is to be a preacher.  I have never seen an 11 year old boy who has a bigger heart for God than this boy.  Just listening to someone pray gets him teary eyed and you can tell, in his eyes, that he has a relationship with God.  He has lost a lot in his life but yet he still carries a positive attitude and a strong spiritual awareness.  He really makes me think about the passage that talks about having faith like children.  There is a lot to learn from Hector.  
On the left

We are savoring every last second we have here which is why our blog posts are lagging and we haven't been online very much.  We want to cherish every bit of time we have here as the reality of leaving is beginning to set in.  Although we know with every bone in our body that we will be back here and that this isn't the end, it is still sad to see two wonderful months head towards an end. These boys have taught us what it means to really love.  We have learned about ourselves, we have learned about God, and we have learned about humility.  We couldn't have asked for a better opportunity and experience. 

Until next time!

Hannah and LauraBeth


  1. Hey just read your blog and sure did enjoy it. Looking foroward to seeing the two of you. Granny and I are still ok or about the same.
    Love and God bless Pa joe and Granny.

  2. What a great read. How inspiring and such a blessing to me to read and see you experience our faith in such a way as this!
