Friday, June 29, 2012

One Month and a Tribute to Our Boys!

Well, as of Wednesday we have officially been here for four this marks our one month anniversary!  And what an amazing four weeks it has been.  We have learned so much about ourselves and about God and the way He works.  He has spoken so clearly to Laura and I since we have been here, especially the last few days.  So for this post I want to write about the boys that we have spent so much time with.  I won't get through all of them today but I want to start sharing some specific things about each boy that have made them so very special to Laura and I.

Where to start...

  • Eduardo - Probably one of the most shy boys in Casa Rosada.  My first impression of him was..."I don't know if I will ever get this sweet little boy to open up".  But it didn't even take a week before he was hugging us goodnight and giving us the sweetest smile every time he saw us.  He probably gives the longest hugs and just has the biggest heart, and if I ever need to calm down and get away from the craziness...I try to find him.
On the left
  • José Alexander - He is a precious little stinker.  He definitely tries our patience at times (especially when we are trying to do English homework with him), but then he flashes us his huge smile and we can't help but smile back.  If you have ever been to Jovenes you have probably met José.  He loves when the Gringos come and, since he speaks English, most of the group members take to him quickly.  

  • Noé - This kid likes to pretend that he is really tough, by sometimes "ignoring" us (which ignoring to him is making sure that we see him looking giving us a smile and then turning his head really quick).  But even though he pretends to be tough, we know he has a soft spot for us, especially when he is sitting next to Laura and she is rubbing his back and he is nodding off.  We can also tell that he loves us when he made us bracelets while pretending the whole time he was making them that they weren't for us.
  • Samael - The oldest boy in Casa Rosada (14).  Probably one of the sweetest teenager boys I have ever known with his two little dimples that are always showing because he is always smiling.  Because he is older, it took him a little longer to get close to us, but now 2 hours don't go by without him coming up to me and saying "HHHannah" (it took them awhile to realize that my name wasn't Anna).  But now he lets us rub his back and never misses a good night hug, we have found his soft spot. 
  • Jorgé - One of our friends from Casa Verde.  Another boy that just wants to be our friend and his way of being friendly is picking on us.  But it's ok because we pick on him too...all the time.  Jorge is also amazing at carpentry, he works many hours of the day in the workshop building chairs, doors, dressers and all sorts of other things.  Very impressive.  He is a very hard worker and it definitely shows. 

  • Norman - One of the third graders at Alison (the bilingual school).  For about two weeks now they have been our of school and I have been working one on one with Norman on his English.  This boy is one of the most diligent students I have ever met.  He pesters me all morning asking when we are going to start our homework for the day.  He loves reading and writing and he is good at it.  I love teaching him because he is eager to learn and loves learning and I can relate with him. 

Well I think that's all for today.  It takes a lot of focus to write a blog these days.  The boys have figured out that we come to the office every morning with our computers and so there is always a boy in here listening to music with us or just looking through the pictures we have on facebook or watching us type.  God is blessing us so much everyday with these wonderful relationships that I fully intend on keeping the rest of my life.  We continue to thank God for giving us this opportunity and we also want to continue to thank each of you that were an integral part of helping us get here whether it was with your money, your prayers, or your continued support and encouragement.  Having the support of our friends and family is one of the biggest gifts you could give us.  Thank you all again. We have had an incredible first month here in the beautiful country of Honduras. 

Hannah and LauraBeth  

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