Friday, June 8, 2012

Juliet, Juliet, where for art thou, Juliet

But really every time we say something in English, they want to know what we are saying, or what it means in Spanish and they repeat everything we say!  This includes the older boys who are finally beginning to warm up to us.  Funny boys just wanted to admire from afar for a while I guess, but believe me, now they are coming out of their shells.  Hannah got to help one of the older boys, Christian, with his English homework in the morning forming past tense verbs from the present tense. (flashback to 3rd grade!)  As we were in the office a steady flow of older boys made their appearance including my favorite, Merlin. Why is he my favorite, you ask?  Well his entrance into the room greeted us with a creepy smile (there is a lack of words to describe this smile), then condensed with a hug for Hannah with his head on her shoulder (pause 20 seconds), pinch my arm 3 times, and leave.  No words.  Priceless!  

After a while, Ronald came into the room to check on us and see how everything was going and, to our surprise, tell us that we would be driving the next day... for those of you who have been to Honduras before you know what I mean when I said we were surprised.  (Mom - before you freak out, remember I am alive and writing this)  We were thoroughly excited and nervous at the same time.   It turns out, driving in Honduras is very similar to driving in the US minus driving all over the road because of potholes, not having lines, cows crossing the road at any moment, and people on bikes who can ride faster than you are driving. Nothing to worry about!  Thankfully, the normal driver rode with us to give us lessons on how to drive in Honduras although we still haven't quite grasped the honking concept. (Honking in Honduras can mean anything from hola to get out of my way silly gringa!)  Funniest part of driving with him was trying to understand his instructions in Spanish.... evidently there are 3 more words for "stop" in the Spanish language than just "alto".

When we finally got back to Jovenes at about 2:00 from an afternoon of picking up lots of boys from different schools, we went to the kitchen to grab some lunch.  As we came out of the cafeteria, one of the 5th graders, Pancho, ran up and pulled his quiz out of his pocket... 20/20!!!  I have never seen such a proud smile!  Over the next few minutes, 3 more of the boys ran up to us to show their perfect scores.  (Proud mamas!)  We praised them with high fives and hugs.

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing corn-hole (such a classic).  I realized, after the older boys got back from high school and started playing, that I am going to need a lot more practice in order to not get slaughtered every time.  At this point, playing a game with me is quite the boost to their egos.  After a while, Hannah and I realized that almost all of the older boys had made their way out to the square (main area in front of the kitchen).  After about 20 minutes of pokes and every boy trying to get our attention, we decided it was time to retire for the night.  But of course at dinner, we had to tell Tio Marvin and Tia Sarai about the days adventures which resulted in lots of laughs that led to tears.  Upon heading to bed, we had a Romeo and Juliet moment with almost all of green house standing outside the house telling us goodnight as we stood on the balcony.  This resulted in more laughter from Marvin and Sarai.  All in all, a very productive and funny day.  

LauraBeth and Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I am curious. Do you drive on the right or left side of the road? I realize probably all over the road unless you are passing someone. Sounds like you are having an awesome time. You both are being Jesus's hands and feet. Love you, Mom
