Sunday, December 2, 2012

JEC...Here We Come!

Well, I guess it is officially time to update the blog. It has been so long (definitely longer than I would have liked). It has been a long very interesting few months for Laura and I. Re-adjusting to life here was definitely harder than we thought, but it eventually happened. Eventually, we got used to our old lives and fell right back into our old routines and habits. The day we got back to the states we were determined to get back to Jovenes some how before the year was over. God is good of course so as of a few days ago, we are officially going back to Jovenes for two weeks! We will be leaving here on the 28th of December. God is so faithful. Even when we become complacent and wrapped up in our own worlds, He is still there. I am so excited to see how He uses us while we are there. Satan, of course, keeps putting discouraging thoughts in our heads like, "i hope the boys remember us", and "what if they have all moved on with their lives and don't care anymore". But it is these thoughts that are beginning to encourage me more and more every day because I know for a fact that we love those boys and the boys love us. So I know that Satan is trying to attack us which means God must have some pretty amazing things in store for us when we get there. I just can't wait to see what that is!

Please keep us in your prayers as we once again prepare our hearts and minds to be servants. Pray that we can be servants here in the states as well. We want to live our lives as servants of God no matter where we may be. Pray for positive thoughts, and selfless thoughts. Pray that we remember that we are not going there solely for our own happiness and encouragement. We are going to uplift the people at Jovenes and shine God's light.

JEC Here We Come!!

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