Monday, June 25, 2012

Motorcross anyone?

This weekend was definitely filled with new adventures.  We were excited to have a group from Nashville here for Friday and Saturday.  They came to visit with the boys and brought lots of fun activities with them including ready to make birdhouses.  The boys loved this, and I became a professional carpenter.  (Pa Joe - you would be proud of me, although there were several times I thought "If Pa were here he would know what to do").  Thankfully the group also brought drills and hammers with them because doing all of that with screwdrivers would have been quite the experience.  After we got them built, the boys got to paint them.  One of them is already up on one of the houses.  They were very proud.

The group that came also wanted to put on an employee luncheon for all of the people that work here at Jovenes in Camino.  This was something that was really needed.  The people that work here pour their hearts out all the time for this place and for the boys.  They are on the job 24/7.  But for them this is not just a job but like having a family with 55 boys.  They need to know they are appreciated and we were so excited that this group recognized that.  Food was brought in and the boys helped to make little gift bags so that they were part in thanking the staff as well.

Hannah and I were also very blessed to get to be a part of a dedication of a wall mural to Ty Osman II.  Ty's family was in this group along with several of his close friends.  Ty made quite the impression here with the boys when he came to visit, playing soccer and just being there for the boys.  At the dedication, several of the boys from Jovenes told of their memories with Ty and how much of an impact he had on their lives.  Nelson (one of the boys at the bilingual school) lead a beautiful, heartfelt prayer thanking God for the time Ty got to spend with them.  Oh that we could all shine Christ's love so much!

Sunday, the boys of Casa Rosada lead their last church service for a little while (each house is in charge of it for a month).  To finish out their month, they decided to put on a skit.  Absolutely precious!  They practiced several times the night before and got their outfits ready.  Pictures say more than words could...

After church and lunch, we were surprised to find out that Zamarano was hosting a motorcross event down the street.  Ronald told the boys they were welcome to go, so of course here Hannah and I go down the street with them (picture me in a wheelchair going down a gravel road - it was quite the sight!)  People came from everywhere to ride their 4-wheelers and motorcross bikes through this Honduran obstacle course.  One of the boys became the "cameraman" for this event so we have lots of funny video and pictures.

Well, we are about to go work with the boys from the bilingual school.  Hope you all are having a blessed week! (Also as a side note, I go back to the doctor in 5 days to get my stitches out and hopefully get out of my cast.  Prayers for that would be great!)


  1. Our prayers are always with you but will make a special one for the stitches to come out and a a positive report on your leg.
    Our prayers are with you and God bless.
    Pa Joe & Granny

  2. I really enjoy reading your adventures...You all are doing such good work over there..Prayers go for both of you and may God bless you and the great work you are doing....sue ellen
